New Moon 9* 35' Scorpio
November 1st 2024, 8:47am Eastern
18th Shape: LEOPARD:
8° 34' 17'' Scorpio – 21° 25' 43'' Scorpio
This New Moon lunation being in mutual reception with Mars in fall in Cancer opposite Pluto who is just now finishing up his last weeks in Capricorn (2008—2024) before moving into Aquarius (2024—2044) is really reminding me of the 80s squatter industrial-punk phenomenon Missing Foundation and their iconic emblem, the upside down martini glass graffitied all over nyc which symbolized the notion “the party’s over”, a critique of gentrification gutting the cultural underground, displacing the lower classes and pointing out a dehumanizing process of boom and bust, pump and dumps which only benefit bankers and developers who harvest money off people’s existence’s with no fucks given for the social fabric. “The party’s over” sentiment in 2024 is beyond an understatement, so much so we can all sense the circuits frying over the horizon of 2025 when Pluto is in Aquarius, Neptune in Aries with Saturn, and Uranus in Gemini. We can make educated guesses as well as wild bets casting hot takes which might hit the ticket, but clearly we are in a world of foreshadow where widespread dissatisfaction and disenchantment is the dominant.
Below is a theme I’ve seen over the week through talking to clients explained in a text volley to a friend which I’ll just inject here as it was caffeinated and lucid:
Its a thing rn
I can explain better on the phone
But a lot of the issue happening
between Saturn in Pisces square to
Jup in Gem is playing out for people in
Thats where resolution needs to take
So its an energetic issue
Feeling exited and believing in what
you are excited about being strained
I’m seeing a theme of pairing down
variety for energy flow into primary
While paradoxically being really light
weight and efficient so you can
quickdraw at anything
And not pushing when you could be
resting so you can strike fast and
respond when action catalyzes
All facilitating through-put of energy
Like less resistance in the circuitry
Like prices dropping allowing people
to activate
Its prob about to be uncool to be rich
As things shake up significantly this
So get good at gunslingin cowboy
samurai before the frenetic movement
But a lot of people have low fire rn
because a world no one wants
keeps being the dominant
This begins to be disrupted by like a
turbulently vibrational novelty later 2025
Requiring regulatory energy management
Its like solo sailing
You have to prioritizing napping as
an action strategy
But its like this in business rn also
Doing nothing and being hyper
observant and quick to respond is
more lucrative than having a big
The richer people are doing less
Just having more free time and mental
space to maneuver
The age of corporations is ending
Not that we get something better or
less oppressive
Its a lot about acceptance
Relinquishing control to overwhelming
forces and finding where the flow is
as to ride the currents
But not going just anywhere
randomness takes you
Using the flows to arrive at your target
Which might not be a specific thing
but a specific set of feelings
Like arriving at conditional vibes
And if there's a highway you can
And gain intel from your rides about
what your looking for
Local knowledge may show you
theres a place thats easier to get to
than your target destination
which also has what you're looking to
Local can refer to distance as well as
Like it may not take so long to be in a
dream situation
But prioritize power wherever it is
Like constantly look for what powers
you up
Like an electric car
On a cross continent journey
Charge up opportunistically
En route to destination
I think the difference is the old model
of working hard to eventually save up
for the big thing
Now its like have little bits of the thing,
Assemble connector nodes from the bits
until you exist immersed in an ecosystem
of the desired thing’s essence
And naturally attract more of the thing from
its cellular center
Be a nexus of the thing
From this I arrived at a term, ‘nexus predator’. One who sniffs out, stalks, and pounces upon links which connect things of a certain nature, things one is inclined to be nourished by. Obviously, there are in our anthropocentric world nefarious nexus predators. This is pretty much what is happening from the array of AI correlation, algorithmic feeding, data harvesting and so on we are bombarded with relentlessly in the digital realm. But as what is occuring technologically, and especially in telecommunications and media modalities, sets the paradigmatic function of the particular age, and always is identifiable in the astrology. We can be synergistic and symbiotic nexus predators ourselves, and participate in the holistic trophic cascades which reverberate in personal, relational, environmental, professional and cultural enclaves in which we feed. Both the LEOPARD character as well as the overarching neutrality of the current Geminiic dominant include a moral ambivalence. The South Node in Libra has been in the process of refining our sense of Ma’at by shedding false values, bullshit diplomacy, and faux justice, arriving us at a leaner and meaner way of weighing heart against feather.
These newly tuned up and lubricated scales are better than before at wielding swords, so be fucking real with yourself. If you are in truth righteous then proceed fearlessly, even in death you remain victorious. If you are indeed a villain, integrate that you may be slain by the valiant and then face hellish nightmares as you are served to the very egregore which possessed you to salivate for such heinousness in the first place. This is not dualism. It’s hard core equilibrium from when Libra’s scales were Scorpio’s pincers. It’s tribal justice before civil justice. It’s jungle law and order. LEOPARD knows this in the blood, and it doesn’t make it a model citizen, but levels potency and price. LEOPARD is an alchemy in which the price is always paid for what is pounced upon, blood for blood, pain for pain. There’s no free lunch, and power has a way of meeting you in shadow for its end of the bargain. It’s the core thread of the much now over used “left hand path”. All the way left of center. Fast and terrible. No more incarnations, this is the last one. All bets are off. All karmas get settled this round. No more penance, no regrets. Scorpio has a way of being in the now equivalent to Taurus. Get it over with, “if your gonna do it then fucking do it right now”. Says the victim to the assailant pointing the gun in their face, before they potentially grab the firearm and spin it around. Tonights The Night. Lets not mince word, or beat around the bush. If you want to get to the point then there’s a throbbing jugular pulsating right out in the open.
These are matters of the heart, as the Picitrix refers to this mansion, hanging on the memory of Antares, the anti-Aries, Mars’ rival, the heart of the Scorpion, Corscorpionis. Not surprisingly though, starry skies or not this Shape falls smack on the crossquarter day of Samain, Halloween, Día de Muertos. By lessening of light, suddenly leafless and skeletal trees, desperate behaviors of beasts, this place fixates intensely. The Picatrix also sees an adder holding its tail above its head, a rather provocative and dangerous image. The talisman is for taking away fevers, which humorally might be a sublimation of overheated passion, energy directed to usable channels. Indeed, the leopard skin is worn by both Shiva and Dionysus, suggesting the revels and debaucheries of imbibing ambrosia and amrita are of a tempering nature. Bacchant, an attendant of a bacchanal, is cognate to a Sanskrit word meaning “Hero”, as in one who in McKennaic terms “takes a heroic dose”. One who is able to master themselves in such a way that they can move through fears and consciousness destruction as well as keep a handle on all things pelvic and loin driven, adepts at sexual alchemies and their parallel arts.
Such pursuits, if they are to be successful feats or perilous falls, require a knowledge of both sides of the coin, that every Agent Cooper has his Doppelgänger lurking in the Black Lodge. From the Grimorium Verum roster we have Clisthert who can make it at any time day or night, light or dark and summon the pleasures of either there of. Clisthert is synchronized to Exu Tronqueira in Quimbanda, Exu Offertory Niche, or ‘dark sanctuary’. The Rig veda mentions Indra, It is a Nakshatra of sexual exploits, which can be displayed in the tale of Rsi Gutama; after Indra seduced his wife Ahlaya, he cursed Indra to be covered with a thousand vaginas, which he through penance turned to a thousand eyes. Obviously, being covered in a preponderance pattern of many eyes can be connected to the spots of the leopard’s pelt. There is vision here, the oracular potency of sight seen through the passions of the Scorpionic heart which cuts straight through lies and instinctually sees everything in its raw form for what it really is. The keenness of the ever watchful prowler in the shadows.
The Chinese Xiu is the Watchers, portending “dark augury”, interpretations of light and darkness, the abilities of foreshadowing, and including the poison eating rooster which reflects the tantric Indian procedures of panchamakara, engaging with the forbidden foods and sexual indulgences. (And Indeed, Indra employed the Moon to morph into a rooster to raise Ahlaya awake so he could seduce her). This Xiu can signal military invasion, but with a connotation of not wavering in face of negative results, and the deity seen here is a young warrior god holding a double edged sword, like that of enthroned Justice, but again, this is not necessarily civil justice, this is jungle law, the way of nature, it is non-negotiability, it is power and its play, the yin and yang in full swing and hard rotation. This is a Shape of not playing around, despite the deep satisfaction it draws from strutting, dancing, moving, aesthetics, adornment, costume and being embodied to dangerous levels.
I recently started doing sessions on my boat where I meet the client at the dock, we go out to the boat, take some time to go over their current transits, discussing what is going on for them in the moment, look into how the 28 Shapes fall into the moment of their birth in the location where they were born, their arrival into this world, their most prominent dreams and experiences-- before going on a voyage out into the bay where the themes that arose during our discussions are continued in a dialogue with the sky, Sun, celestial phenomenon, clouds, marine life, water, wind and everything else using directionality and all the metaphysical coherence the living world expressing itself imparts through the language of how the 28 distributes into the 360. I’m drawing from the oldest traditions of the 28 mansions, stations, Nakshatras, shapes and so on to get to the pre-horoscopic, phenomenological and omenological essences which freely communicated between species and physic states before anthropological abstraction. This began as a bone to pick with neo-platonism’s mechanical view of reality but over the years has become a seeking of ways of being and reading outside of the horoscope altogether.
This agricultural, urbanized, monotheist, extractive, technological, empire dominant turn in the world at large seems to begin somewhere around the domestication of animals after the geologically time spanned experience of interglacial climatic pressures. On this particular LEOPARD New Moon I’m particularly happy to begin, in at least a little process for myself, to enact methods that keep the wilds wild and listen to them and be receptive to their input rather than attempting to force them into my will. With sails up and propelled by breeze we were keen to note when the texture on the water was divided exactly by the East into two lobes of bay with a rip of calm as a void between the halves, of fowl landing exactly West, of cloud cover pressed flat into a storm shelf, of sixteen female ducks and one white male with a black stripe at the back moving from 35 degrees East of South towards 35 degrees South of East in a golden glob of glassy water formed by the gentle wake of thirty-two legs stroking beneath them. My client continued to discuss her situations, concerns, objectives and and I kept keen eyes and ears on the goings on around us while I steered the boat and responded with interpretations of what we were experiencing.
This pursuit in a sense makes me a full time astrologer who is participating in the destruction of what we call astrology. Scorpio is the enemy of artificiality, and the abstraction borne of what is civil and social, most of you might agree, should probably step back to the logic and language of nature and get guided by the more than human world more often rather than us project parameters upon it. We can also live within what we call civilization and simultaneously erode its binding agents with precious vitriol— the alchemical shadow of ambrosia.
The barely undulating mirror of high saturation colors which we started our drift at first in became a uniform distribution of active rippling as the steady 10 knots of breeze from the south east replaced the chill bare hush of lightest air from the north. I thought of Aquarius looking at the homogeneity of horizontally distributed activity adding texture and dynamic grain to the widespread surface. En route back to my mooring with only the headsail out downwind my client pointed to a small structure on the shore of the opposite harbor bank, “see that shed type thing there. It’s a sauna my friend built. It’s on the property of that building that burned down. Her family owned the place.” It was due east. I contemplated energetic remediation. An incident of destructive fire responded to with healing fire. The phenomenological yearning called for notable heat and now it’s a place to push the body beyond normal states of equilibrium, and pour out all the toxins within in copious amounts of sweat springing out of the surface.
After dropping my client off at the dock, my slipmate at Thompsons Wharf contacted me, asking if I was ready to bring my boat in to dock for the winter. The wind from the south was making broad rolling waves that made the boat heavily see-saw in an almost sickening motion. “No”, I replied. I wanted to remain out here for a few weeks longer, keeping some distance from the electric lights of shore, where night was still night, and the waters were wilder, not benefiting from all protections of the inner harbor infrastructure. I have more voyages scheduled. It’s easier to start out from the mooring than from the clusterfuck of inner harbor wharfs. It’s easier to stay wild than it is to break free and get wild once you tie yourself up to safety and crowd yourself with a glut of other peoples business.