November 15th 2024, 4:27 PM Eastern
24* 00' Taurus: FALCON
5th Shape:
21° 25' 43'' Taurus – 4° 17' 09'' Gemini
In the drama of how the 28 situate into the 360, or, in the Moon remembering every 28 days what the Sun sees every year, we have along the way particularly notable events of dark sky contemplation and bright Moon blooming, typically 12 or 13 apiece, four of which will be brushed with eclipsed shadow along the way. Today’s Full Moon in late Taurus keys into particular dynamics of the archetypal round, summoning it’s characteristics and qualities, evoking it’s mythos, while also falling into a particular configuration which typifies the 2024-2025 scenario; namely, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus all in aspect to one another by sextile and trine in the final degrees of yin (earth and water) signs readyng to cross over to yang (fire and air) signs by spring/summer while remaining tightly in aspect, only by then both Saturn and Jupiter will have caught up and be confluenced into the multifaceted and simultaneous costume change which shifts emphasis from one life layer to another across multiple houses of everyone’s nativities all at once, adding considerable novelty to parts of life which had been regular business for over a decade while depressurizing other areas that had been over saturated, volatilized or pressed obsessively. How can so many people have a noticeable change of circumstances the world over all at once in a matter of a couple months, a spring turns to summer we shall not forget? Well, we shall wait and see, as the particularities in play have wild card written all over them. Saturn and Neptune heading into Aries seem to want to build systems of skill, effectiveness and critical response in ways that are both extremely real and entirely simulated at the same time. Uranus playing the Gemini game follows up of whatever data paradox expansion Jupiter has been impregnating since last June zapping everything which bifurcates mentally for the next eight years beginning in July. Pluto, as we already know has begun to render progressive politics, syndicated networks, tech intelligence and social systems entirely corrupted for the next twenty years and no one is unaware of this in a world where no matter which branch of bipartisanism you choose you get technocracy of one brand or another. We are a good six months away from the larger transition, but the outer planets wait at their departure gates, readying to turn their backs on vacuous fantasies, opioid of the masses, ruffled regularity, hyper hoarding, old-guard oligarchs, Mr Monopoly nightmares and history’s hauntings. This thick societal mud-scape in which we’ve wallowed and gotten our cultural truck’s stuck over the past 16 years is about to dry out and with warmer winds picking up release us to an accelerated scattering where ‘Netflix and chill’ will seem a laughably hokey and uncomfortably quaint revelry of yesteryear, sepia toned and a million miles away like swinging on porch swings sipping lemonade listening to programs on the radio.
Why am I front-loading all of this into a memo on this current lunation? Because, the Moon is tightly conjunct Uranus which is planted into this larger array, nestling the frenetic subjective experience within the larger overarching symphonics. We can likely sense an urgency in our bodies and in the substance of our surroundings which buzzes with what is and what is being massaged into upcoming occurrence. Skeletal histories like pottery people’s dropped chunks line the museum of the moment immersing us in a vessel of ambiance before we are let out into the light of day and continue into a direct, in the moment, randomizing happening which auto-sketches the future as we further script into it, fate chasing a newly drawn ideosphere. This Shape of the 28, FALCON, deals specifically with such dynamics, as it relates to the oracular, the sharpness of sight and birds eye view which rides high along with events pertaining to the succession of kings. As one power gets strangulated into bogs another rises to the throne and obtains the scepter to replace it, and much ceremony has been authored around this even outside the human world. Cynosure. Look, keep your eyes on the leader and the leader in turn looks out over the realm and is able to pin point issues within the sun brightened scape. Similarly, when corruption abounds the entire dynamic of the watcher watching the watched buckles with chthonic ruptures. The Gorgon’s head stationed above archways in the ancient world, wild eyeing all that might come a-threatening, and this isn’t only opponents but also out of control conditions which could inject chaos and destabilize the settlement.
The way to ward away chaos is to turn the gaze of chaos back at itself, a kind of magnetic antipathy, same force repels same force. Some say there is a home for the North Node in Gemini, and this border of such zodiacal territory reflects this. Banish what is of one pole by offering it another of the same pole, it will avert its gaze. Swim directly at a shark, don’t break eye contact with a mountain lion, make yourself unpredictable and not worth fucking with. Does this mean we should get less docile and more unpredictable moving forward? Yes, it probably does. We should begin experimenting with being as confusing, un-controllable and reactive as that which tries to scramble our thought processes and destabilize our power. We should find comfort in that form of looking chaos in the face, of assuming we are being predated on and being able to unflinch in reaction.
The Picatrix references this North Node and magnetic pole association by seeing a head without a body here, relative to Caput Algol, the Ghouls Head, harbinger of danger, so rally around the gorgonian apotropaia and know which direction to direct it, whether you prefer Garden Dragon, Bagua Mirror, Glass Eye or Don’t Tread On Me— the old psycho-scaly-‘fuck around and find out’ message at the door to your being and general orb of affairs. This is still in the Taurus zodiacal territory so some of the motivations for the Beware Of Gorgon sign at the property line may be so you can chill the fuck out in the comfort of your own simplicity of the moment, as in the larger arch you need a bit of grounding and traction to gather composure to make the leap out of your ongoingly irritated fixity.
The talisman is for receiving the favor of kings and is delivered via dream visions, so it's also the minds eye which sees the deep seated essence of power and how value is lent from such familiarity on a subjective and subconscious level. Synchronicity counts as knowledge dispersal as long as you are savvy enough to ground it in practical pattern. Settle down rather than winding it up into a flurry of activated nonsense. There’s a general theme across the material with powerful yet sketchy people and forces who if you are able to smooth over you may be able to unfuck yourself out of situations which are less than ideal and avoid disasters which become obvious at moments of noticeable power shift. The head comes up in the Indian symbol for this Nakshatra, the Deer’s Head, and the Rigvedic deity is Chandra himself, the Moon god. There is a struggle with subjective response and keeping one’s cool so you can execute an escape. The Chinese Xiu of the Heart intelligence and the untrustworthy yet crafty fox continue the clever knowing of how to either avoid unfortunate mishaps born of impulsiveness or fall prey to catastrophes. These are like being caught up in crowd trampling stampedes. Everyone rushes to the front of the concert or everyone rushes for the exit. The mundane world’s well being in proper stewarding against chaotic forces is implicit here, and its up to each of us to judge if the situation we are in the midst of is under the leadership of a divine force or if we have been thrown to the chaotic beasts who might devour us if we implement no protective layer whatsoever. Is the captain drunk? Is he in control of the vessel? Is he scanning for dangers? Is there safety equipment aboard? Where is it? Do you know how to use it? These are things you might ask yourself before stepping onto the cruise boat, but don’t always feel necessary, as cruising might be a matter of leisure, but you are going to be upset with yourself if something goes wrong and you didn’t keep your eyes peeled to begin with.
As we get older we tend to do this more naturally, and it doesn’t have to reduce how risk taking we are, just makes our daredevil feats more measured and assures the success of our endeavors. This is perhaps the maturation process via the recording of negative results the Chinese mention. If the Fox tricks you once then shame on him, if he tricks you twice well shame on you. Mars is cavalier in Leo and in mutual reception with the Sun in late Scorpio right now. Incorrigible and addicted to power displays. Interesting that is in its own rulership loop separate from the rest of the other planetary dynamics. The right hand is not watching what the left hand is doing. One part of your life may not be paying attention to what the other parts are up to, and as we are over yonder getting ready for a culture wide synergistic dynamic leap and circumstance morph, you probably want to make sure you are not just out of the way of whats incoming but also not setting yourself up to trip on your own power cord right when you mobilize to make your move.
Notably, everything in the spawning waters of juxtaposed nonsense ideas foaming away from the mutable square between Jupiter and Saturn in Gemini and Pisces then distributing to Venus and Mercury direction about what we think, say and want further influencing the Moon downstream in the needs and nourishment dimension has susceptibility to succumbing to “fox seduction” and prone to impulse driven sad mishap written all over it. It would be a great time to FOMO into crypto and lose your shirt. Pluto is about to change signs, Mercury and then Mars is going to go retrograde, things are going to lick with unpredictable flames fanned by an influx of unfamiliar concepts, so in the bright moonlight of tonight find your comfort zone to feel with your body the radical buzz of this moment on the brink of the future and remind all that buggers you and threatens your ability to be in the ecology of the here and now to head for the hills or else. Anyone who has done much spirit work will know that bad seeming entities often turn tail as soon as you tell them to directly. Parasites or other nagging blights can sometimes bring down quite formidable organisms, but it usually takes only mindfulness to not be overwhelmed by persistent vampires. In the increasing heat of the zodiacal jungle keep your end of the otherwise chaotic world cool and calm by paradoxically being more impossible to predict or fix than that which comes to hunt you.